Our Trip to See the Dinosaurs
Our Trip to See the Dinosaurs 🦕🦖
Last week the Swans went on a very exciting trip to see the dinosaurs located all around Leeds city centre. We began our trip by getting on the bus, and the children were all so excited. We sang ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ and pointed out lots of well-known places and landmarks along the way, including Roundhay Park!
When we arrived in Leeds, we split up into smaller groups and began our adventure to find all of the dinosaurs along the Jurassic Trail. The Swans absolutely loved spotting the different dinosaurs and knew the names of lots of them already, as well as lots of facts about them too! We visited the Victoria Gate shopping centre, Kirkgate Market, Trinity Centre, The Light and lots more on our trip. We also stopped for some yummy snacks and a drink along the way, as all that walking made us rather thirsty.
All of the children showed fantastic listening skills throughout the trip and remembered how important it was to hold hands and stay with their group and their adult!