Nursery Uniform

At 22 Street Lane Nursery, we believe that wearing uniform encourages the children to have a sense of belonging and pride in nursery and helps them in their preparation for school.

We believe it is good for our children in Cygnets and Swans rooms to wear the Nursery uniform. Children under the age of two years have a no uniform policy, however, it is essential that they wear comfortable, safe and suitable clothing for their busy day.

The nursery uniform can be worn from the age of 2 and is worn from the time the children enter the Goslings, Cygnets and Swans room.  All uniform items for the different seasons can be purchased from the following address:

Rawcliffes Schoolwear Centre:
617 Roundhay Road, Oakwood, Leeds, LS8 4AR
Telephone: 0113 2494025
Shop Page:

  • Click and Collect – items are paid for to be collected by customer when the items have been ‘picked’ and an confirmation email has been sent (free service).
  • Delivery to Home – items will be picked and posted during store hours and posted via first class mail (free over £100- general postage applies otherwise).
  • Delivery to Nursery – items will be picked and delivery once a week to the nursery (free service)

Although protective clothing is provided by 22 Street Lane Nursery for messier activities, we cannot guarantee that clothing will be completely free from spillages or tearing.  We ask if all children can bring a spare change of clothing in their bags and extra sets for those children that are toilet training. Please ensure the children don’t wear lose shoes or flip flops.

Nursery Uniform | 22 Street Lane Nursery, Leeds
A uniform that gives a sense of belonging.....
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