Police Visit at 22 Street Lane Nursery
On Monday 3rd July, we had two very special visitors join us at the Nursery; PC Greenwood and PC Gate from Inner North East Police, at Stainbeck Lane, Leeds. They came to help us with our current term topic ‘People who help us’. The children learnt about; the importance of police officer’s and a police officer’s role and responsibilities.
The children all sat nicely on the carpet and discussed lots of important topics which included; the many ways police officer’s help people, a police officer’s role in the community, how to identify a police officer, and the different modes of transportation police officer’s use. The modes of transport were illustrated with pictures and a group discussion. Then, the children were asked to raise their hands if they had ever seen a police car, a police horse, a police bike, or a police helicopter!
They also talked about a police officer’s uniform and the children were given the opportunity to try it on. They even showed the children how the handcuffs worked by putting them on our team member Richard!
Finally, the officers gave the children a chance to sit in a police car!
It was brilliant to see all the children demonstrate confidence as they participated in the activities, whilst asking lots of questions. We would like to thank PC Greenwood and PC Gate for taking time out to visit us, and for sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm in helping the children learn all about the role of a police officer.