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Ambulance Service Visit at 22 Street Lane Nursery

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Ambulance Service visit at 22 Street Lane Nursery | 22 Street Lane Nursery, Leeds

On Thursday 27th July, we had a very special visitor join us at the Nursery; Alex the Paramedic from Leeds General Infirmary.

Straight from his night shift Alex brought along his ambulance for all the children to see, he was greeted by some very excited children! Alex came along to help the Nursery
pre-school children with their current term topic. “People who help us”.

All of the children took turns to sit in the front of the Ambulance and to press the horn and siren buttons – They were really loud! The children explored the back of the ambulance, taking turns to lay on the bed pretending they were patients, they had lots of broken legs but we also had many amazing paramedics to help us feel better.

Alex showed us the heart monitor, we closed the door and put the lights on and asked him lots of questions. Alex answered questions like “why do you use those loud sirens?” and we also asked if the blacked out windows were an x-ray machine.

The children also learnt about the importance of a Paramedic and a Paramedics role and responsibilities.  We would like to Alex the Paramedic for taking the time out to visit us and for bringing his Ambulance! We would also like to thank Salina Parmar one of our parents for arranging the visit.