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5 Star Food Hygiene Rating for the Nursery

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5 Star Food Hygiene Rating for 22 Street Lane Nursery!

22 Street Lane Nursery retains it’s 5 star rating for food and hygiene; we had a surprise visit from the Food and Hygiene officer on Friday 16th March, we were inspected by the local authority Food Standards Agency who reviewed the following:

• The premises and how we work
• The kinds of food we make and prepare
• Our food safety management system

We are pleased to say that we were awarded yet again the highest rating of 5 Stars!

We believe you only get one chance to ensure your children’s growing bodies and brains are well-nourished. 22 Street Lane Nursery and our dedicated chef share a common ethos that healthy nutrition is pivotal to kids reaching their true potential.

To learn more about our healthy and nutritious food at 22 Street Lane Nursery please visit: