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Nursery Annual Awards 2017

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Nursery Annual Awards | 22 Street Lane Nursery, Leeds

On October, 27th, 2017, we held our first 22 Street Lane Nursery employee recognition awards at Rudding Park, Harrogate.

The aim of the awards was to celebrate, recognise and praise our practitioners and leaders for their energy, professionalism and continued dedication to be outstanding each and every day, we have an incredible team that we are so very proud of!

In response to asking parents, carers and staff to vote for our very own 22 Street Lane Nursery Awards, we received over 212 votes for our 7 award categories! We would like to thank everyone who took the time to vote for the awards, your support is greatly appreciated.

During the awards ceremony we captured some amazing photo’s and with these we have created and published a Flipbook. Within our flipbook you can also view all our ‘Winners’ and runners up for each of our categories. Our ‘Ceremony Flipbook’ can be viewed on our dedicated ‘employee recognition awards’ page, on the 22 Street Lane Nursery Website: