Early Years Funding Infomation Form

We are contacting all parents whose children claim 15 or 30 hours of funding at 22SLN. From the Autumn term 2023, Leeds City Council has made it mandatory that we input all parent’s Date of Births and National Insurance numbers regardless of whether we are claiming the universal 15 hours or the additional 30 hours of funding. This is to ensure that Leeds City Council can check whether a child is eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) funding, and whether the child is eligible for extended hours. In the past, some of this information has been optional but this is no longer the case.

To allow us to update the Leeds City Council portal with your funding claim, please can you reply to this email with your Date of Birth and your NI number. By giving this information you are consenting to 22SLN sharing your details with Leeds City Council and for LCC to check your child’s eligibility for EYPP and 30 hours of funding. We appreciate that many of you have already given some of this information, however, to guarantee the completeness of our funding claim I would be grateful if all parents could respond to the email with the details required by Thursday 26th October.

Early Years Funding - October 2023

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.